School Questionnaire

How much would you pay for a school magazine?
25-50p                                                 50-80p                                                 80p

What is your ‘student status’ at school?
Lower school (year 7/8)            Middle school (year 9/10)    Upper school (year 11/12/13)

If your year 10+, what 3 subjects do you do for GCSEs or A levels?

How often would you buy a school magazine?
Weekly                                    Fortnightly                     Monthly                     Yearly 

If we had a problem page, with advice for students, what issues should we include?
Bullying                                   Relationships                           Exam stress

What would you prefer as a competition prize?
Free school meal                    High street vouchers                           CDs

Do you have any ideas for a name for a school magazine?

Would you read a revision tip page?
Yes                                           No