Preliminary Task

The task set is to create a new school/college magazine, and show an example of a front cover and a contents page. 

The choices for the different audiences would be
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Sixth Form
  • Staff
  • Whole school
Appropriate text types

  • Arial
  • Courier
  • Georgia
  • Helvetia
  • Times
  • Trebuchet
  • Verdana
  • Bold
  • Italic

The target audience for my new school/college magazine is for sixth formers. I decided this from using my questionaire and the majority of people who completed them were in sixth form, so I can now do a more mature magazine. From this also, I decided to name my magazine 'VI', which is 6th in roman numerals. This directly represents the audience as it means 6, and sixth form is the 6th/7th year in school. It might not mean much to people who arent students however. On my front cover will be a picture of a sixth form student. On the cover, I've advertised the main things that are in the magazine, such as the new sixth form dress code and ways to cope with revision. On my contents page will be a picture that relates to school, such as the whole year photo or a picture of some students. Below this, will be a detailed contents page with the page and the basic description of whats on each page in bold.