7. Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product?

Since creating my school magazine, I have learnt alot. The school magazine was created with very basic skill, and this is reflected in the final product. On the front cover, the use of house style is not very attractive to the audience, with bright, clashing colours. On the contents page, it looks very basic and although the colours do attract the audience, it still does not look professional. Compared to the final product of my music magazine, the skills I progressed with using programmes such as Fireworks and online websites, you can see the improvements. With subtle colours that attract the audience on the front page, I have become more aware of what attracts an audience. The contents page is although still simple, its effective with only using 3 colours - black, white and red. This attracts the audience because it